Sodium Chloride
The attenuations are prepared from Sodium chloride, NaCl, MW: 58.4.
No other homoeopathic remedy stands so squarely in the focus of doubt as to the effectiveness of homoeopathy as does Natrum Muriaticum, cooking salt.
After all, it is known that fluids within the body’s tissues as well as blood contain sodium ions in considerable concentration. If in spite of this homoeopathic doses of Natrum Muriaticum act – and such action has been reported by conscientious and objective physicians from their observations over many decades and is also familiar to the author, especially in the high potencies, – then from this action at the same time there proceeds the principle of the harmony of potencies, a remedy of a higher dilution acting even when it is incorporated in a lower potency.
On the other hand it is well known that the ingestion of too much salt can lead to deep-reaching disorders of nutrition and other symptoms, e.g. oedema, hypertension, and possibly following on from this, a state of aneamia. In the course of the provings, many symptoms came out which showed Natrum Muriaticum to be a great remedy for intermittent fever, according to Nash also for malaria, and also for anaemia, complaints of the alimentary tract and of the skin. There is also a characteristic sensation of intense weakness with cold shivers running over the back, as well as a distinct emaciation of the neck and a tendency to catch cold. In Natrum Muriaticum the mucosa is usually dry, and this is associated with irritability and hypersensitivity to all kinds of external influence.
Nash describes Natrum Muriaticum as one of the best remedies for anaemia, no matter whether this is a result of loss of vital fluids (cf. China, Kali Carbonicum), menstrual disorders (cf. Pulsatilla), seminal loss (cf. Phosphoricum Acidum, China), or from physical influences.
There is usually pallor and emaciation, although the patient is eating well. There may be pulsating headaches, shortness of breath on going upstairs and on physical exertion, and especially constipation and a tendency to depression, which is typical of Natrum Muriaticum, also a tendency to cry. In contrast to Pulsatilla, consolation does not have a good effect, but rather aggravates the situation.
If pulsating headaches do not respond to Belladonna, then Natrum Muriaticum is often indicated. In that case there is often anaemia present with a pale, or only slightly flushed face. The remedy has a certain relationship to China, which likewise has pulsating headaches, also following loss of blood, e.g. after the menses. As in Calcium Phosphoricum, schoolgirls’ headaches may also be an indication for Natrum Muriaticum. Palpitations and fibrillation with occasional missing beats are particularly indicative of Natrum Muriaticum, likewise discomfort of the heart when at rest, the complaints becoming worse (including the headache) after intensive mental work.
The digestive disturbances of Natrum Muriaticum are striking, being characterised by a strong sensation of dryness, especially in the mouth (without actual dryness being present – Nash). Deep cracks (rhagades) occur in the centre of the upper sometimes of the lower – lip. Cracks in the corners of the mouth are also a symptom of Natrum Muriaticum.
As in Silicea, there is the sensation as of a hair on the tongue (also in Kali Bichromicum – Nash). A mapped tongue may also respond to Natrum Muriaticum. Labial herpes, in many cases, requires not only Rhus toxicodendron, Mezereum or Variolinum (Vaccininum), but reacts to Natrum Muriaticum, as may follicular pharyngitis, particularly after local application of silver nitrate.
The dryness of the mucosa in the alimentary canal might well be responsible for the dry, crumbling, irregular, hard stool, the rectum usually being very sluggish without pain, and defaecation difficult, possibly associated with fissures and severe bleeding, the feeling of great soreness remaining.
Natrum Muriaticum can be a very good remedy in fever, especially in intermittent fever, when the chill occurs between about 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning (Nash). Fever, headache and all other symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum are often ameliorated by sweating.
The skin symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum include particularly fissures in the nails (ingrowing nails) with inflammatory irritation of the fingers and toes, cracked and peeling surface of the lips, and swelling of the lips, especially the upper lip (cf. Causticum). Nodules, vesicles, diffuse red patches with loosening of the epidermis and seborrhoea, and particularly vesicular eruptions in the creases of the joints may all be present, the latter bursting and exfoliating with secretion of an acrid fluid (Nash). Nash particularly refers to the fact that Natrum Muriaticum works better in high potencies.
Boericke also describes other typical symptoms, such as violent fluent coryza with sneezing and loss of smell and taste, internal soreness and dryness of the nose, also irregular menstruation, acrid, watery vaginal discharge, giving-way of the joints, rheumatic complaints with coldness of the legs, nervous twitching in sleep with somnolence in the mornings, eruptions at the hair-margins, warts on the palms of the hands, and amelioration in the open air, from cold bathing and lying on the righthand side.
Boericke also recommends Aqua Marina in suitable potency subcutaneously in the treatment of skin, kidney and intestinal diseases, in gastroenteritis and tuberculosis, and also for detoxification in cancer.
Natrum Muriaticum should also be tried in neuralgias, especially infraorbital and ciliary and in headaches, if other symptoms agree (emaciation, anaemia, long-standing rheumatism, gouty or rheumatic arthritis).
Natrum Muriaticum is also indicated in infiltration of cellular tissue and the glands, and where there are exudates and transudates which are not easily reabsorbed. One must pay attention primarily to the constitutional symptoms of the patient, and to the mentality, the irritability, sacral pain and constipation above all offering an important indication, together with the amelioration in dry, warm weather and the aggravation in damp, cool weather, and the general shivering.
The main symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum may be summed up in the following remedy-picture:
1. Pale patients, looking relaxed, easily irritated, despondent and pessimistic; they cry easily but refuse consolation (“autonomically labile asthenics” – Schilsky), reproachful answers when medical history is taken.
2. Pulsating headaches, especially in the temples and during the forenoon. Neuralgias. Shuddering from chilliness even in a warm room.
3. Sacral pains with desire for something hard on which to lie. Neuralgias and rheumatism. Joints give way.
4. Palpitations with arrhythmias, especially at rest.
5. All complaints aggravated by mental work and by exertion. Irregular menstruation.
6. Febrile attacks with shivering, thirst, heat and violent headache, ameliorated by outbreak of sweating. Intermittent fever. Malaria. Attacks commencing in the forenoon.
7. Labial herpes. Corners of the mouth cracked. Deep cracks in the centre of the upper lip (possibly also the lower lip).
8. Urticaria. Eczema in the crease of the elbows with acrid fluid discharge. Also at the hair margins.
9. Desire for salt and highly-seasoned food. Sensation of thirst, without drinking much. Mapped tongue.
10. Mucous catarrhs, coryza with sneezing and nasal discharge like white of egg (also from urethra, vagina). Sensation of a hair on the tongue.
11. Constipation with hard, dry, crumbling stools, in some cases like sheepdung, with sorenses of the anus, fissures and bleeding. Sensation of weakness in the intestines.
The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Natrium chloratum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for natrium muriaticum: migraine; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; emotional discord or upset; skin diseases; disorders of the supporting tissue.