Mullein Leaf

Health benefits of Great Mullein
Great Mullein is a versatile herb; it can be applied, drunk, smoked or inhaled for medicinal purposes. The mullein leaf and the flowers of the plant are used in tinctures, syrups, oils, and even used to gargle. Mullein oil can cure ear pain and is good for curing eczema; hemorrhoids and wounds. Mullein tea is good for stopping nonstop coughing. Listed below are few of the health benefits of great Mullein

1. Improving Digestive Issues

Drinking Mullein tea can help you deal with a number of digestive conditions and problems. It can provide relief to those suffering from diarrhea and constipation. It also helps cope with bowel related problems and help your body eliminate toxins easily.(1)

2. Treatment of tuberculosis

Mullein leaf extract was used as a treatment for tuberculosis in Europe as early as the 16th century. Research in the 18th century found that mullein relieved the symptoms of several tuberculosis patients at St. Vincent’s hospital in Birmingham, England. It was extensively believed that if mullein was used in initial stages of the disease, it could bring about a full recovery.

Today, scientific experiments and medical studies have shown that mullein has expectorant and anti-bacterial properties, both of which are essential for treating respiratory disorder.(2), (3)

3. Treatment of cold and flu

As mentioned earlier, mullein leaf extract has expectorant and anti-bacterial properties, which makes mullein tea a wonderful home remedy for flu or a cold with lots of congestion. According to medical researchers, saponins present in mullein give it its expectorant properties. It also helps to reduce the amount of mucus produced in body and decreases congestion.(4), (5)

4. Joint Pain and Rheumatism

There are numerous historic references on using mullein leaf externally on painful and rheumatic joints.

Recently, mullein root has become popularized for back pain. Herbalist states, “Mullein root on its own, though, is also markedly effective. Prepared either as an infusion or taken in small doses as a tincture. Normally take about seven drops of tincture, stretch out a bit, and the kink will disappears and you feel perfectly aligned. While the occasions when this has worked are too numerous to recount, it doesn’t always work…just most of the time. (6)

5. Anti-bacterial effects

Mullein consists of naturally occurring anti-bacterial properties. Mullein’s anti-bacterial behaviors make it useful in treating infections.

It has been used to treat tuberculosis as it prevents growth of mycobacterium, the bacteria which are the culprit behind this disease. Medical researchers have found that verbascoside works exceptionally well against Staph infections.(7)

6. Relief from Sleeping Problems

Insomnia is one of the popular growing issues amongst men and women belonging to various age groups. Instead of popping those OTC pills to doze off, you can option to Mullein tea to battle insomniac nights. It acts as a natural sedative and soothes your nerves. It is considered quite beneficial for overcoming sleeping problems.

7. Soothes Skin Conditions

Apart from Mullein tea, you can also use Mullein oil to get relief from a variety of skin conditions. It can work wonders on blisters, wounds and small cuts. In fact, you can apply Mullein leaf tea on sores and wounds externally too. It has a calming effect on the skin. Mullein combined with olive oil, can also be applied in such conditions for quick relief.

8. Respiratory Ailments

Having Mullein tea can help you combat a number of respiratory ailments and conditions like cold, cough and bronchitis. It can also offer relief from sore throats. Its anti-bacterial properties help cope with inflammation and infection.

Besides, it helps discard excess mucus from the throat and nasal passages. You may offer this tea to kids suffering from cold without worrying about any side effects. Apart from drinking the tea, you can also try gargling it two times a day to relieve sore throats.

9. Treating Asthma

Mullein tea is quite beneficial for people afflicted with asthma. You can drink the tea, or can even inhale the vapor of the plant leaves in hot water. It can also be beneficial when you are suffering from nasal congestion. You can even use the dried leaves of the herb to make herbal and harmless cigarettes!

10. Treating Ear Related Infections

According to various scientific researches, oil extracted from the flowers of mullein is rich in powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it could be efficiently used as a natural cure for ear infections. It can also be used to ease the pain experienced in the ears due to sinus blocks.

11. Beneficial for lungs

Mullein leaf has long been adored for soothing the lungs and suppressing coughs. It is a mild relaxant to the lungs and also a mild demulcent. It calms inflammation and dryness – often the causes of irritation for people with smoke exposure. Additionally mullein flowers can have an added benefit to these dry irritated conditions.

12. Stop Smoking

Mullein leaf is commonly used by herbalists to aid those who want to quit smoking. It is frequently recommended to take the tea or tincture internally to support the health of the lungs, while concurrently using it as a smoking herb to assist with the desire to smoke something.

While it sounds a bit counterintuitive, inhaling mullein smoke is a way to directly get mullein’s relaxant qualities to the lungs, to relax constrictions and aid in stopping a cough. This method can be overdone, but when you get it just right it can have dramatic and quick results.

13. Beneficial for the Bladder

In addition to back pain, mullein root is also used to address a variety of urinary incontinence issues, including stress incontinence, pregnancy incontinence, menopausal incontinence, and childhood incontinence. It can also be used to assist those with interstitial cystitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, enlarged prostate).

14. Cures migraine and headaches

Mullein flower extract, being rich in anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, is used in alternative medicines as a cure for migraines and headaches. It can also be used to heal the headaches arising from ear oppression.

15. Beneficial in treating cramps

Mullein is well-known for its wonderful anti-spasmodic properties that make it a possible natural cure for stomach cramps induced by gastric upset as well as menstrual cramps. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties ease the pain related with these conditions.

Traditional uses and benefits of Great mullein

Leaves can have stimulatory effects when smoked.
Great mullein is a commonly used domestic herbal remedy, valued for its efficacy in the treatment of pectoral complaints.
It acts by reducing the formation of mucus and encouraging the coughing up of phlegm, and is a specific treatment for tracheitis and bronchitis.
Leaves and the flowers are anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant and vulnerary.
An infusion is taken internally in the treatment of a wide range of chest complaints and also to treat diarrhea.
Plant combines well with other expectorants such as coltsfoot and thyme.
Poultice of the leaves is a good healer of wounds and is also applied to ulcers, tumors and piles.
An infusion of the flowers in olive oil is used as earache drops, or as a local application in the treatment of piles and other mucous membrane inflammations.
Decoction of the roots is said to alleviate toothache and also relieve cramps and convulsions.
Juice of the plant and powder made from the dried roots is said to quickly remove rough warts when rubbed on them.
It is not thought to be so useful for smooth warts.
Seeds are slightly narcotic and also contain saponins.
Poultice made from the seeds and leaves is used to draw out splinters.
Decoction of the seeds is used to soothe chilblains and chapped skin.
Homeopathic remedy is made from the fresh leaves.
It is used in the treatment of long-standing headaches accompanied with oppression of the ear.
It is used to treat Asthma, TB, Lungs Congestion and Pneumonia.
Burns the dried leaves of Verbascum Thapsus, inhale the smoke, it will give relief from Nasal Congestion.
It reduces swelling and inflammation of Joints.
It cures severe pain caused by Sinus and Headache.
It is useful in treating Insomnia and Anxiety. It lowers the levels of Cortisol and promotes sleep.
It increases the body’s ability to fight against virus and germs.
It is beneficial in treating diseases like Measles, Mumps and Chicken Pox.
It is a good herbal remedy for fever as it lowers the body temperature.
It tones the Bladder and is an effective remedy against bladder infection.
It tones the digestive tract and enhances digestion.
It is a good treatment for constipation. It is beneficial in treating diarrhea, intestinal worms and other gastrointestinal issues.
Mullein tea is beneficial in treating cold, cough, bronchitis, flu, asthma and chills. It is an effective way of treating throat problems like sore throat and tonsillitis.
Oil is effective in treating ear problems. It reduces pain due to ear infections and swelling. It helps in fighting the bacteria which causes Infection.
It is used topically in curing skin problems like acne, eczema, burns and bruises. It is beneficial in treating skin ulcers and frostbite.
It provides relief in painful menses. It reduces pain and improves the blood flow.
Cradle Cap is a common problem in newborn babies. Mullein Oil is beneficial in getting rid of Cradle Cap.
High amount of Vitamin B helps to fight hunger and prevents unnecessary eating. It helps you fight Obesity.
It acts as a conditioner for rough and harsh hair. It reduces the problem of Split Ends.
Catawbas made a cough syrup from boiled common mullein roots, and a poultice of mashed leaves was used to relieve bruises, wounds, and sprains.
Early European settlers in the eastern United States used common mullein seed to sting or poison fish.
Common mullein is one of several plants used in herbal ear drops used to treat earaches in children (>5 years).
An infusion of the root is also used to treat athlete’s foot.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Great mullein

Snake Bite: Prepare infusion of Verbascum Thapsus leaves. Give it to the Victim.
Fever: Prepare decoction of Verbascum Thapsus roots. Take 3 cups a day.
Deafness: Put 2 drops of Verbascum Thapsus Oil in ears.
Anemia: Prepare a decoction of Verbascum Thapsus leaves. Have it, once a day.
Bed Wetting: Have Verbascum Thapsus tincture. OR : Have Mullein extract
Breast Cancer: Take three tablespoon of Mullein and one tablespoon of Lobelia. Use it as a fomentation. Change the fomentation every day. Repeat this for one month.
Lung Disorders: Make a tea of Fresh Leaves of Flowers. It will act as an expectorant and will clear the Lungs. OR Smoking steam of tea will help in Nasal congestion. OR Burn dried leaves and inhale the Smoke to get rid of nasal and lung congestion
Bronchitis: Take Verbascum Thapsus, White Horehound, Coughwort and Lobelia. Prepare a decoction. Take two or three times a day.
Cough: Take Verbascum Thapsus, Elder and Red Clover. Prepare a decoction. Take two or three times a day. OR have in the form of powder.
Asthma: Take Verbascum Thapsus and Grindelia. Prepare decoction. Drink 2-3 times a day.
Arthritis: Take one part Cayenne, 3 part Lobelia, 6 part Verbascum Thapsus and 9 part Slippery Elm bark. Put 6 tablespoons of this mixture in boiling water and make a thick paste. Coat the paste on a soft cloth and apply on the affected area.
Respiratory Diseases: Mix equal quantities of powdered Ephedra, Comfrey, Verbascum Thapsus, Cherry, Licorice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Inula Helenium and Wild Ginger. Take 2-3 tablespoons throughout the day with warm water.
Hemorrhoids: Prepare a strong mullein tea with two tablespoons of mullein flowers or leaves and one quart of water. Steep and cool it and make certain that you strain it scrupulously. Apply to affected areas two to three times a day or after urinating.

The Mullein has very markedly demulcent, emollient and astringent properties, which render it useful in pectoral complaints and bleeding of the lungs and bowels. The whole plant seems to possess slightly sedative and narcotic properties.

It is considered of much value in phthisis and other wasting diseases, palliating the cough and staying expectoration, consumptives appearing to benefit greatly by its use, being given in the form of an infusion, 1 OZ. of dried, or the corresponding quantity of fresh leaves being boiled for 10 minutes in a pint of milk, and when strained, given warm, thrice daily, with or without sugar. The taste of the decoction is bland, mucilaginous and cordial, and forms a pleasant emollient and nutritious medicine for allaying a cough, or removing the pain and irritation of haemorrhoids. A plain infusion of 1 OZ. to a pint of boiling water can also be employed, taken in wineglassful doses frequently.

The dried leaves are sometimes smoked in an ordinary tobacco pipe to relieve the irritation of the respiratory mucus membranes, and will completely control, it is said, the hacking cough of consumption. They can be employed with equal benefit when made into cigarettes, for asthma and spasmodic coughs in general.

Fomentations and poultices of the leaves have been found serviceable in haemorrhoidal complaints.

Mullein is said to be of much value in diarrhoea, from its combination of demulcent with astringent properties, by this combination strengthening the bowels at the same time. In diarrhcea the ordinary infusion is generally given, but when any bleeding of the bowels is present, the decoction prepared with milk is recommended.

On the Continent, a sweetened infusion of the flowers strained in order to separate the rough hairs, is considerably used as a domestic remedy in mild catarrhs, colic, etc.

A conserve of the flowers has also been employed on the Continent against ringworm, and a distilled water of the flowers was long reputed a cure for burns and erysipelas.

An oil produced by macerating Mullein flowers in olive oil in a corked bottle, during prolonged exposure to the sun, or by keeping near the fire for several days, is used as a local application in country districts in Germany for piles and other mucus membrane inflammation, and also for frost bites and bruises. Mullein oil is recommended for earache and discharge from the ear, and for any eczema of the external ear and its canal. Dr. Fernie (Herbal Simples) states that some of the most brilliant results have been obtained in suppurative inflammation of the inner ear by a single application of Mullein oil, and that in acute or chronic cases, two or three drops of this oil should be made to fall in the ear twice or thrice in the day.

Mullein oil is a valuable destroyer of disease germs. The fresh flowers, steeped for 21 days in olive oil, are said to make an admirable bactericide. Gerarde tells us that 'Figs do not putrifie at all that are wrapped in the leaves of Mullein.'

An alcoholic tincture is prepared by homoeopathic chemists, from the fresh herb with spirits of wine, which has proved beneficial for migraine or sick headache of long standing, with oppression of the ear. From 8 to 10 drops of the tincture are given as a dose, with cold water, repeated frequently.

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