Hahnemann’s Calcium Carbonate
The attenuations are prepared from a trituration of the inner parts of broken oyster shells. Ostrea edulis L. N.O. Ostreidae.
Calcium Carbonicum, or carbonate of calcium is an important mineral, urgently needed by the body for the construction of various tissues. Particularly in the skeletal system, calcium is required and stored in large quantities. It is possible to define the skeletal system as a large reserve depot for calcium in the body. Calcium has further affinities with glandular activities, especially with the parathyroid gland, by which the calcium metabolism is regulated. The result of this is the wide range of possibilities which we have for use of the homoeopathic preparation of calcium. Calcium Carbonicum is used not only in glandular swellings, and diseases of the skin and the skeletal system, but also in lithiasis (gall-stones, kidney-stones), in coxalgia, in umbilical colic, and in catarrhs of the mucosa, e.g. leucorrhoea of little girls (also Mercurius Iodatus Flavus) and painless hoarseness.
From the constitutional point of view, the Calcium Carbonicum type is puffy, pasty and oedematous: states which are commonly found in an exudative diathesis. For this latter condition, Calcium Carbonicum is one of the most important remedies. Children in the first years of life tend towards such exudations, whether it be in the form of cradle-cap or of hyperhydrosis, the latter being one of the most important symptoms in the picture of Calcium Carbonicum. The Calcium Carbonicum patient is mostly phlegmatic and tends towards constitutional obesity. The skincolouring is white, altered by oedematous swelling, even chalky-white. The children are especially noticeable for their clumsiness, slowness and sluggishness in all their movements. Dentition is late and they learn to walk late. The temperament is fundamentally different from that of Sulphur, but in other respects there are certain similarities with Sulphur, namely in the tendency towards eczematous skin conditions, such as one also finds in Graphites, and in this latter remedy there is also a phlegmatic temperament with a tendency to adiposity.
The typical bone-changes of Calcium Carbonicum express themselves especially in the spine and in the long bones in the form of rickets; however, Calcium Carbonicum is also indicated in osteomalacia, and is one of the most valuable remedies for fontanelles which fail to close; there can also be a tendency towards hydrocephalic enlargement of the skull.
In the Calcium Carbonicum patient the functioning of the lymphatic system is generally disturbed. Adenoid growths and polyps are also found in the nose, ears, bladder and uterus.
The typical hyperhydrosis of Calcium Carbonicum has already been mentioned, but it is possible to define the nature of the perspiration more precisely. The patient suffers from cold, damp feet, with a sensation as if he were wearing cold, damp stockings. He likewise suffers from cold legs with nocturnal sweating. This is accompanied by a sensation of coldness, both internal and external, e.g. on the most varied areas of the head, as if an ice-cube were on them. There is often the typical pale, puffy face. Overall, a predominant feeling of internal coldness, with sensitivity to fresh air, the slightest cool draught penetrating him through and through, as in Silicea. In infants and small children there are typical head-sweats, the pillow being soaked with sweat and the occipital hair breaking off. Occasionally one finds hydrocephalus, rickets, and also cholera infantum and marasmic symptoms. There is sweating on the male genitalia, on the nape of the neck, on the chest, in the axillae, on hands, knees and feet. However, parital sweats, night-sweats too, likewise those of tuberculosis, are an indication for Calcium Carbonicum, especially if the skin is cold, particularly on the lower extremities.
A further symptom of Calcium Carbonicum is sourness along the whole alimentary canal, characterised by sour eructations, sour vomiting of curdled milk, as is found in Aethusa Cynapium, also sour diarrhoea, so that the whole child smells sour. There is also a characteristic desire for eggs, which can occur both in sickness and in convalescence. There are typical swellings of the stomach, which bulges outwards and protrudes like an inverted saucer. The flatulence may have occurred as a result of the swelling of the mesenteric glands, for which Calcium Carbonicum is likewise a main remedy, as it is also for chronically enlarged tonsils. The body tries to rid itself vicariously of the toxins through diarrhoea, which is worse in the afternoons, the diarrhoea causing comparative weakness. The action of Calcium Carbonicum on the mucosa also shows itself in the lungs, particularly in the larynx, where there is painless hoarseness, worse in the mornings. In the lungs there is a constitutional weakness, which is frequently a basis for tuberculosis. In this, it is mostly the middle and upper lobes of the right lung which are affected, (cf. Sulphur, in which it is the upper left lobe). The Calcium Carbonicum picture also includes shortness of breath on walking, and especially on ascending.
When Calcium Carbonicum is indicated in women, the menses are usually too early and copious, the patient complaining of coldness from the feet up to the knees. In contrast to the usual pasty puffiness of the Calcium picture, in more advances states of illness there may be complete loss of appetite and progressive emaciation.
In such states the leading symptoms are usually cold hands and feet, general lack of chilliness but sensitivity to cold, tendency to sweat, with possible night-sweats also (menopause).
The typical Calcium Carbonicum leucorrhoea is milky, as is frequently found in young girls, without admixture of blood. Neither do the typical polypi of Calcium Carbonicum bleed, but tend more towards mucous discharges. (Mucous polypi.)
Briefly summarising the most important symptoms of Calcium Carbonicum, we have the following characteristic remedy-picture.
1. Leucophlegmatic temperament, with disturbed development of the skeletal system. Tendency to rickets and osteomalacia. Delayed closing of fontanelles. Development of a large head. Tendency to hydrocephalus. Late dentition and lateness in learning to walk in children.
2. Swellings of the lymph-nodes, (tonsils, hilar glands, mesenteric glands). Scrofula.
3. Abdominal distension. Colic of mesenteric glands.
4. Hands and feet feel cold, with sensation as of wet stockings.
5. Chilliness. Aversion to cold and to fresh air. General sensitivity to cold, but may also be circumscribed on the head, knees and feet.
6. Partial and general sweats, day and night, especially on the occiput, and sweating on the slightest exertion. Circumscribed sweats between the thighs or on hands, feet or genitalia. Menopausal sweats.
7. Cradle-cap and a tendency towards scurf. Exudative diathesis. Swollen puffy skin, which is white, pale and pasty. Milky leucorrhoea.
8. Growth of polypi, especially in nose, ear and uterus. Mucous polypi, not bleeding.
9. Menses early and copious, especially during menopause.
10. Sour diarrhoea, vomiting of sour, curdled milk. The whole childs smells sour.
11. Strong desire for eggs, especially during sickness or convalescence.
12. Painless hoarseness, worse in the morning.
13. Coxalgia, arthritis with changes in the joints. Tinnitus.
The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for calcium carbonicum: calcium-metabolism disorders; chronic inflammations of the skin and mucosae; proliferative mucosal processes.