
The attenuations are prepared from metallic copper, Cu, AW: 63.5.

Copper has a narrowly defined sphere of action, in which spasms are in the forefront. These frequently originate in the fingers and toes and on occasions involve loss of consciousness. Such spasmodic states may be found in dysmenorrhoea, in gastro intestinal colics, in renal colics (especially on the left side), in cramps of the

calf muscles, in muscle cramps after cholera, but also in epilepsy and similar conditions: they are especially marked at night. Thus copper also gains a certain importance in the treatment of retoxic impregnation phases, i.e. particularly after the inhibition of discharges, eruptions etc.
Cuprum is likewise indicated in Sydenhams’ chorea (St. Vitus’ dance), and especially in whooping cough when there is spasmodic coughing for hours on end. Cuprum is also indicated in asthma, when there is spasmodic vomiting at the end of the attack. In cholera too we find violent vomiting, also diarrhoea, anxiety felt in the pit of the stomach, convulsions of the extremities, coldness and cyanosis of the body, spasmodic constriction of the chest, dyspnoea and chronic cramps, which point to Cuprum Arsenicosum (and Veratrum Album) as simillima. Here Cuprum can save lives. Furthermore, Cuprum is the metal of the kidneys and, according to Prof. Müller of Titisee, it is indicated in those kidney diseases which proceed with hypotension, whilst Plumbum is the indicated metal in those forms of kidney disease with hypertension. Left-sided renal colics obviously react better to copper than right-sided ones, in which Arsenicum acts well.
Dahlke describes a further modality of Cuprum; according to this the coughing and vomiting which call for Cuprum are relieved by a sip of cold water. Cuprum is also said to be effective in acute hydrocephalus, dental cramps and especially in inveterate skin eruptions, particularly if these are herpetic or scabies-like, itching very strongly, with possible ulceration in the creases of the joints. The ripening of deep abscesses is said to be hastened by Cuprum. Cuprum has also done good work in inveterate syphilis, ankylosis, contractures and suppurations of the joints. There is great muscular weakness, frequently a small, rapid pulse, with the pains tending to radiate out in all directions. Collapse and coldness of the surface of the body with cyanosis and dyspnoea may also be present, as well as hoarseness and glottal spasm, which is relieved by cold drinks. Cuprum may also prove useful in T.B. of the larynx.
Cuprum has an obvious action on the blood formation, especially after abuse of iron.
Aggravation is generally from hot weather and at night, also before the menses. Amelioration is from cold drinks and pressure.
A glance at the toxicology of the copper compounds shows that large quantities (1 gram) produce violent inflammation of the gastro intestinal mucosa with agonising vomiting, colicky pains and diarrhoea, whilst quantities of 0.2 grams only produce feelings of disgust for food, vomiting and diarrhoea. Still smaller quantities up to about 0.03 grams, produce a reduction of appetite and – by Reversal effect – constipation.
Since copper salts are used in a considerable range of industrial processes and copper poisoning occurs as an occupational disease, in such cases one should be on the look-out for greenish or greenish-yellow discolouration of the hair, face, eyes and teeth; a copper rim may also occur on the gums.
Copper poisoning can produce similar symptoms to lead poisoning. Copper colic is differentiated from lead colic insofar as after copper colic diarrhoea usually occurs.

If we summarise all the symptoms of Cuprum, the following list results:
1. Spasm/cramp remedy par excellence: cramps in the calf muscles, dymenorrhoea, renal colic, muscle spasms, and spasms of the limbs (in cholera).
2. Convulsions in epilepsy, eclampsia, uraemia, with possible alternation of tonic and clonic spasms, which mostly begin with drawing in the fingers and toes and extend from there over the whole body.
3. Whooping cough and asthma with spasmodic vomiting at the end of the attack.
4. Opisthotonos and spasms of the masseter. Abdominal neuralgias, intestinal spasms.
5. Arteriosclerosis. Nephrosis and kidney diseases.
6. Contractures ankylosis, suppuration of the joints associated with inveterate syphilis.
7. Inveterate skin-eruptions with itching, and ulceration in the creases of the joints.
8. Pains are ameliorated by cold drinks and pressure, and aggravated by hot water, at night and before the menses.
Thus we see that Cuprum can be used in numerous conditions, extremely violent and threatening ones, mostly acute, but also in chronic ones, with success. The action of copper salts in similar to that of Cuprum Metallicum. Cuprum Aceticum, Cuprum Sulphuricum and Cuprum Arsenicosum are particularly in use, the latter appearing to work better in neuralgias, nephrosis and uraemia, insofar as one may expect action by Reversal effect, in combination with complementary methods (e.g. sarcodes.)
The German Monograph-Preparation Commission for the Homoeopathic Field of Therapy has, under the Preparation Monograph for Cuprum metallicum, published the following indication(s) in the German Bundesanzeiger (German Federal Gazette) for cuprum: cerebral seizure disorders; spasmodic muscular conditions; spasmodic conditions of the smooth musculature, the gastro intestinal tract, the respiratory organs, the vascular systems, and the coronary vessels; circulatory failure.

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