Lymph Complete (1 fl. oz)


Sometimes the lymphatic system becomes sluggish and doesn’t flow properly. Various parts of the body can accumulate fluids around the joints and underneath the arms. Combined with exercise and an adequate water intake, supports the lymphatic as it ‘cleans’ out debris. Lymphatic drainage is important. Good for both upper and lower lymphatic drainage this complex can be considered a ‘whole body’ lymphatic support with Figwort, Andrographis, and Barberry Root to lead the way. Clients will like this formula. Be sure to move the body and get adequate hydration.

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Ingredients: Extracts from: Cherry Fruit, Figwort Herb Aerial, Kudzu Root, Andrographis Leaf, Barberry Root, Burdock Root, Oregon Grape Fruit, New Jersey Tea, Echinacea Purpurea Root, Licorice Root, Poke Root, Yellow Dock Root, Dandelion Root, Moringa Leaf, Stillingia Root, Blue Flag Root, Vanilla Bean, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Water, Organic Sugar Cane Ethanol, Organic Lemon Stevia, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Silver

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