Cilantro Leaf

Aside from adding flavor to a wide variety of dishes, cilantro also boasts

Anticancer effects
Cilantro may reduce the need for salt in food.
Data on the effect of cilantro on cancer development is limited.

However, a 2019 test tube study examined the effects of an extract of C. sativum on individual prostate cancer cells. The researchers found that the herb reduced the expression of specific genes in cancer cells.

In doing so, the prostate cancer cells became less invasive, showed characteristics that meant they would not spread as quickly, and did not demonstrate as many signs of grouping together in colonies.

In another test tube study, extract of the stem, root, and leaves of C. sativum exhibited anticancer effects against human breast cancer cells and inhibited damage to cells due to oxidative stress.

Scientists are not clear whether the outcome would be the same in human studies. However, the results indicate the potential for further studies into C. sativum and its impact on harmful activity in cancer cells.

Pain and inflammation
A growing body of evidence suggests that C. sativum may be useful as a remedy for pain and inflammation.

Another study, published in 2015, investigated the pain relief potential of C. sativum in mice. The researchers found that extracts of C. sativum seeds produced a significant analgesic effect.

The study authors noted that naloxone blocked the pain relief effect of C. sativum. Naloxone is a drug that blocks the effects of opioid pain medications.

As a result, the researchers concluded that C. sativum supports pain relief through the opioid system.

Another study included 68 people that experienced frequent migraine headaches.

The authors asked participants in one group to take 15 milliliters (ml) of coriander fruit syrup in combination with a traditional migraine medication three times a day for 1 month. A control group took conventional migraine medication only.

The group taking the combination treatment experienced a reduced severity, duration, and frequency of migraines compared to the control group.

Skin health
A 2015 study in the Journal of Medicinal Food examined the ability of C. sativum extracts to protect the skin against ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation damage.

They tested an alcohol suspension of C. sativum on both human skin cells in a dish and skin cells in hairless laboratory mice.

The results supported the potential of C. sativum to prevent or reduce sun damage in the skin.

Antifungal properties
Although there are several treatments available for fungal infections, such as thrush, they often cause unpleasant side effects.

For this reason, researchers are developing natural compounds that people can use to manage fungal infections.

A 2014 study tested the effects of an essential oil derived from the leaves of C. sativum on Candida albicans, which is a yeast that is a common cause of infection in humans.

The authors conclude that the oil does indeed have antifungal properties and recommend further studies.

Natural preservative
A 2017 review highlights the preventive effects of C. sativum seed oil on bacterial and fungal activity.

The authors suggest that this oil may be highly effective as a natural food preservative.

One cup of raw cilantro weighing about 16 grams (g) provides:

3.68 calories
0.083 grams (g) of fat
0.587 g of carbs
0.341 g of protein
Cilantro also contains vitamins C, provitamin A, and K, as well as trace amounts of the following:
