Jujube Seed (Suan-Zao-Ren) Bark

Buckthorn bark has been used medicinally since at least the 1600s, when it was listed in a primary medical reference called the London Pharmacopeia. Although most herbs have had a wide variety of traditional uses, later refined to a single or a few proven benefits, buckthorn bark throughout its history has been consistently used to relieve one ailment: constipation and its by-products (hemorrhoids and anal irritation).

In addition to its medicinal uses, the bark and leaves provide a bright yellow-red dye that has been used for centuries to color textiles.

Health Benefits

Buckthorn bark contains compounds called anthraquinones, which have a strong purgative, laxative effect on the body. Because these compounds are powerful, before being processed into laxative products the bark is aged for a year, or heated and dried.

Specifically, buckthorn bark may help to:

Ease constipation. The compounds in buckthorn bark increase the colon’s ability to spontaneously contract. They also reduce water absorption by the intestines, which means more liquid is left in the colon. This produces larger volume and softer stools, which in turn eases constipation.

Treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Because buckthorn bark is an effective stool softener, it can make bowel movements more comfortable for people with hemorrhoids or anal fissures, or who are recovering from recto-anal surgery. Sometimes, buckthorn bark is also used to cleanse the colon in preparation for gastrointestinal diagnostic procedures.